Are you frustrated that you won’t be able to generate revenue from displaying Adsense Ads on your YouTube Channel unless you have 4,000 hours of watch time or 1,000 subscribers within the past 12 months?

If your channel has too slow and challenging startups, you spend too much time on video production and still have no views and no subscribers. No need to worry anymore, we have helped a lot of successful YouTube clients, push your channel to monetize, stop wasting your time. Greenbox Technologies Ltd offers 4,000 hours of viewing and 1,000 high-quality subscribers.

We’ll promote your videos and guarantee real, high quality of watch time, the biggest package is 4,000 watch hours on your channel. Actual turnaround time may vary based on your video.


  • Our Youtube watch hours can help your channel meet the requirements for review the monetization enable. Many customers using our service feedback that their channel gets enabled for monetization.
  • We always update the newest strategy to promote your channel, guaranteeing the quality of watch hours.
  • The services are real and high quality, comply with YouTube policy. You are always safe with us!
  • Help you reach the target watch hours and subscribers as soon as possible, save your time!
  • We have an expert that can advise you what to do on your channel to get the highest chance of enabling monetization, also help you answer YouTube things.
  • We keep secret, privacy for customers. No one knows you buy the service.
  • Great friendly support, if you have any problem please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime. Sometimes you might not receive the response instantly, but we always response back and help you positively!
  • Many payment methods are accepted. We accept PayPal, Mpesa, Major Credit/Debit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, EazzyPay, Equity Bank Paybill…


Depending on the package you choose. Your channel should have the following videos:

  • Your channel should have at least videos, with 15  minutes each video (longer is better). If you have more than 2 videos 15 minutes, we can split the watch hours to those videos and increase the delivery time speed
  • Your channel must have at least 1 video or more, with 30 minutes each video
  • Custom Option (please contact us to review your channel, then we can advise if we can add watch hours and estimate the price for you)

✔ Your channel should have more than 10 videos on review monetization

✔ Your content should be followed with YouTube monetization policy, you can take a look here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1311392


Your channel safe with our services, we promote your video on website network and social media to reach the target watch hours. We keep secret and privacy for all of customers.

If your content good enough, your channel will be able to monetize in the near future

How to enable monetization on Youtube

Step 1: Sign in to your YouTube channel, go to Creator Studio and select the Status and Features section https://www.youtube.com/features

Press Enable in Monetization, if you have not selected country location then Youtube will ask you to choose before registering for monetization.

Step 2: Activate monetization through 4 steps

1 – Read and accept the YouTube Partner Program terms.

2 – Sign up for an AdSense account

3 – Set monetization options

4 – Wait for YouTube to verify that your channel is eligible to enable monetization. Your content needs to comply with YouTube’s policy to enable monetization.

According to Youtube

For those of you who still see “channel under review” in Creator!

You are first time applicant to the YouTube Partner Program and want to monetize:

If you see “Channel Under Review” in Creator Studio this means either:

    1. You have applied to Youtube Partnet Program for the first time and you’re under initial review. If your channel meets Youtube program policies, you should hear back in about one month.
    2. You had an initial review and are now in a secondary review. This means Youtube’s review team has not come to a clear decision during the initial review, so we’re putting extra effort and resources into reviewing your channel multiple times before making a final decision.

Your channel was previously monetizing and you’re re-applying for the YouTube Partner Program:

If you were previously monetizing, were removed from Youtube Partner Program, and have waited 30 days to re-apply, you should hear back in about one month.

Successful on Enable Monetization

Many of our customers succeed in their Youtuber life, we help your channel grow up in the right way, don’t hesitate to start your business today, right now!

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